Johnson’s Soil Augers

Best Selling Soil Augers

The Auger has been found to be an effective and economical alternative to the digging of profile pits in order to examine and describe soil profiles as part of any soil mapping exercise.

Use Johnson’s Soil Augers:

  • For Effective soil sampling
  • Soil Classification
  • Profile Inspection
  • Post-hole digging
  • Water Table Studies
  • Soil Mositure Determination
  • Many Other Uses


  • Can be operated by one person
  • Are Ideal quick and easy drilling over 5 metres
  • Have a range tools and bits for different applications
  • Are highly effective
  • Are Hard wearing
  • Are long lasting

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History on Soil Augers

The 100mm bucket auger has been found to be the most effective, it penetrates all soil types easier than the 75mm and produces larger clods to examine, for example tp assess permeability and structure.

The shaft should be marked off in convenient depths (commonly 30 – 60 – 90 mm from the bottom of the bottom of the auger bit). Finally, the 70cm handle has obvious advanages in leverage when conditions are difficult.

Get the most from Johnson Bucket Auger

Certain Requirements need to be observed for the efficient use of this handy tool.

In the first place, large numbers of boulders and stones (larger than 25 to 30mm in diameter for example) will procedure the use of an auger and it has to be accepted that the pick and shovel will have to come out! Secondly a disciplined and methodical procedure as outlined below will make it possible to describe practically all important pedological characistics of the soil profile. Some agronomic inofrmation, notably root development and distribution, cannot be observed easily and profile pits are more satisfactory.

The Procedure

Start off by cleaning a strip (remove loose stones and vegetation) about 2m long, a short distance upwind of the auge site, using small trenching tool or spade.

A small hole is then dug, about 10cm deep, to ease the initial penetration of the auger. The soil from this hole forms the first pile in the strip, prefeably at the point furthest from the auger hole.

The auger is removed from the hole as soon as it is full (after two or four full turns) and it is important to partially invert the auger, well away from the sample stripes, and discard the first third of the contents of the bucket as this often becomes contaminated by spoil from above, particularly while the auger is removed from the hole.

The remaining soil is the emptied from the auger barrel, taking care not to destroy the all important clods. A sharp bang on the ground, handle first, with the auger vertical, helps to clear the auger.

The samples are placed in a straight line in consecutive piles with small gaps marked where the augered depth matches the marks on auger shaft.

The strips of samples then provide a realistic representation of the vertical soil profile down to the depth of any limiting horizon or the depth augered.


With the various horizons clearly visible, it is possible to take samples, determine texture, (clay percentage), permeability, structure, root frequency, degree of mottling, color, the nature of the limiting horizon and any other important characteristics.

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